January: I started the year on a cruise to Mexico with 2 of my favorite people.
March: The pandemic closed our school a week before Spring Break. After the first week, I was bored out of my mind. Lexy and I started making fabric masks which soon turned into over 1000! When we realized I wouldn't be in the classroom anytime soon, I got my personal t-shirt equipment from school and Elmore Lane began.
June: Lexy and I took another trip to Cape Canaveral with Elisha and another friend and if you followed our trip you know it was a typical Elmore Adventure (my students literally have shirts that say "I survived another Elmore Adventure" and we put badges on the back afterward).
July: Everlee Ryan (named after her Aunt Lexy Ryan) was born on her due date, July 3, and she is my absolute FAVORITE (even though Dustin is her favorite...how rude)!
August: Pandemic School Face-to-Face/Virtual Teaching (0 Stars, would not recommend! It felt like Groundhog Day...I lived the same first week over and over and making sure my kids were prepared to learn completely virtual while also teaching face-to-face simultaneously was like being the conductor of a band while playing all of the instruments at the same time! I literally cried the 2nd day of school because I was so frustrated (and I NEVER cry!!!).
November: Lexy and I had to cancel New York (my favorite place ever) because of the 14-day quarantine so we switched to a different Elmore Adventure to Galveston with 2 Lexy/Lexi and Elisha/Asphen. Escape rooms are no match for 2 teachers, a diagnostician, and both Lexy/Lexi! (10 STARS, WOULD RECOMMEND!)
December: Elmore Lane has grown so much that we had to make the biggest room in the house my studio! I'm usually not too excited to put up Christmas decor because of the hassle. This year was different. We lost a family member due to Covid and had many more sick with it. The tradition of the Elmore family reunion that I have been part of for the last 20+ years won't be the same.
2020: I'm exhausted from being on-edge anticipating the next 2020 hurdle. Our family clearly has a lot to be thankful for, this recap shows me that. Perspective is everything. I know this Christmas will be different, our plans seem to change daily. Hopefully, this will make us stop a minute and enjoy what we do have. Merry Christmas from all of us!
1 comment
Gosh I miss you Elmore!